Games To Develop Emotional Intelligence

5 games to develop emotional intelligence

In order to manage emotions, one must first know and recognize them. A good way to do this in the classroom is through playful activities. María Carballo Tubío, Infant and Primary School teacher and author of the blog 'A escola do sentimientos', tells us how to carry out five emotional intelligence games in an introspective and fun way.

Create Concept And Mind Maps

APPS to create concept maps

Mind and concept maps are a very valuable resource for the classroom, because with them it is possible to graphically represent any idea. The following applications and platforms have been created for this task.

create a Kahoot!

Step by step: how to create a Kahoot!

In addition to using collections of questions and answers already created, this gamma tool also allows the creation of customized questionnaires in which the teacher can include the questions that are most appropriate for his or her group of students. This can be done in just a few simple steps as detailed below.